Engaging MIT Students in the Cambridge Green New Deal Campaign

In academic year 2022-2023, we worked with MIT Divest and the Cambridge Green New Deal Coalition, providing the opportunity for MIT students to engage with the campaign to debate and advocate for the Cambridge Green New Deal. Many students at MIT don’t have access to local climate activism and engagement on local issues, so we aimed to facilitate an opportunity for students to learn and get involved with a lower barrier to entry. The ordinance passed on July 7, 2023, after several well-attended public hearings and comment periods.

Events Hosted:

Teach-In on GND hosted by MIT Divest: Tuesday November 15, 2022 – 3-133 from 7:30-8:30 PM

Public City Council Hearing (in-person and online): Tuesday, November 22, 2022

GND Letter-Writing Session hosted by MIT Divest: April 6, 2023 – 5-7 PM, Hayden Library Nexus

City Council Rally: April 12, 2023, 5 PM


Students and community members at the rally outside City Hall on April 12, 2023.

What’s in the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal (GND) for Cambridge has three parts:

1. A zoning petition that would require large new non-residential buildings to calculate their expected annual emissions every year until 2050, as well as calculate their expected embodied emissions, creating an opportunity for the Planning Board and CDD to help reduce emissions during the special permit application building design and planning phase.

2. Amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance that will require large new commercial buildings to be net zero from day one as defined by the Emissions Reductions amendments proposed by CDD. CDD’s proposal includes a fee for excess emissions of $234/ton, which would be used for energy efficiency and green jobs training programs. The GND amendments would charge large new non-residential buildings for all of their emissions, including embodied emissions, creating an incentive for developers to minimize building emissions during design, construction and operation of the building.

3. A new Green Jobs Ordinance that would establish free green jobs training programs for low-income residents in Cambridge.

Find out more about the GND here!