Organizing the COVID-19 Reusable Utensils Pilot

In response to increased single-use plastic waste during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Student Sustainability Coalition (SSC) launched the Reusable Utensils Pilot in the 2020-2021 academic year. This initiative, spearheaded by members from Waste Watchers and UA Sustain, aimed to reduce dining hall waste while maintaining safety protocols.

Project Timeline

Summer 2020:

  • Students from Waste Watchers and UA Sustain conceptualized the pilot
  • Collaboration began with administration and facilities to plan implementation

Fall 2020:

  • Launched the reusable utensil program for 230 interested on-campus students
  • Worked to increase access to food waste and recycling bins in dorms
  • Published an op-ed in The Tech explaining the pilot and encouraging participation
  • Advocated for MIT Housing and Residential Services (HRS) funding to expand the pilot to all undergraduates in the spring

Spring 2021:

  • Expanded the project to provide reusable utensils to all undergraduate students on the dining plan by including them in “Welcome Packs” upon arrival to campus
  • Conducted an educational campaign with public resources on proper waste disposal
  • Implemented specific signage on waste bins
  • Continued waste monitoring to inform future material procurement

Key Achievements:

  1. Successfully piloted reusable utensils with 230 students in Fall 2020
  2. Expanded to provide reusable utensils to all on-campus undergraduates in Spring 2021
  3. Increased accessibility of proper waste disposal options in dormitories
  4. Developed educational materials to improve waste sorting practices
  5. Collected valuable data on waste patterns and student preferences

Pilot Results:

According to a survey of Fall 2020 pilot participants:

  • 75% of respondents were extremely or somewhat likely to continue using the reusable utensils
  • 63.4% indicated they would use reusable utensils when in-house dining resumes
  • 77% preferred metal as their material of choice for utensils

Based on these results, the SSC recommended switching from wheat straw plastic to stainless steel utensils for the Spring 2021 expansion, which was more cost-effective and aligned with student preferences.

Lessons Learned:

The Reusable Utensils Pilot demonstrated the potential for student-led initiatives to create meaningful change, even amid challenging circumstances. It highlighted the importance of collaboration between student groups, administration, and facilities in implementing campus-wide sustainability measures.

The project also underscored the need for continued education and clear communication about proper waste disposal practices. The educational materials and signage developed during this pilot have proven valuable beyond the scope of the original project.

Looking Forward:

While the specific reusable utensils program has concluded post-pandemic, the SSC continues to build on the foundation laid by this pilot. Current and future waste-reduction initiatives at MIT benefit from the data collected, relationships established, and lessons learned during the 2020-2021 academic year.